NFL Star DeSean Jackson Files for Full Custody of Sons, Claims Ex Has ‘Abandoned’ Kids and ‘Brainwashed’ by a ‘Cult’

desean jackson custody battle


NFL star DeSean Jackson is seeking full custody of his two sons shared with ex Kayla Phillips, has learned, claiming she only saw the boys “twice” last year after getting swept up in a religious group with the new man she is dating.

According to the shocking docs filed on Wednesday in LA, Jackson explained that he moved back to California after he and Phillips called it quits in 2020.

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He noted the former couple lived together for three years in Florida and share two children, DeSean Jackson, 8, and Jace Jackson, 5.

Last February, Jackson said he went to Florida to bring the children back to California for a visit, “but when it was time for the visit to end, I called [Phillips] to make arrangements for the children’s return and [Phillips] gave me a later date to return the children.”

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When that time approached, he said she followed up with another request to return the boys at a later date.

Phillips “stopped calling me about the children’s return, so I enrolled the children in school here in Los Angeles and the children have been living with me since,” Jackson claimed.

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Jackson claims his ex has “abandoned” their children, which is why he wants them full-time, alleging that she has become a member of a religious group called “The Most High” after getting romantically involved with “cult-like behavior.”

“[Phillips] appears erratic on Facebook video posts,” according to the docs, which claim she “states the members of The Most High are WOKE and everybody else is not.”

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Jackson voiced concerns that she has been “brainwashed” by the doctrine and added that she doesn’t have a “stable living environment” as she stays with her boyfriend in an RV.

Furthermore, the famed wide receiver said she hasn’t contributed to the kids’ “financial nor physical welfare” since they moved in with him.

He alleged that his ex has changed drastically which is why he is demanding she have supervised visitation.

“We don’t know what [Phillips] is capable of since she joined ‘The Most High’ cult which is why we have filed the request For Child Abduction Prevention Orders,” the docs stated. has reached out to Phillips for comment.


Jackson noted he provides their children with a caring, stable home surrounded by family that ensures they are “growing and thriving” while attending a school they “love.


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