Looking back at the heartbreaking tragedy, Buffalo Bills fan shot d.ead outside Hard Rock Stadium after game against Dolphins

Buffalo Bills fan shot and murdered outside the Dolphins Hard Rock Stadium after the game on Sunday

Buffalo Bills fan Dylan Isaacs was shot and killed in Miami on Sunday after the final game between the Bills and the Dolphins after a heated discussion turned violent and eventually escalated to the point where he was shot in the chest tragically ending the life of the NFL fan.

The Miami-Dade police department units arrived at the scene and immediately applied resuscitation techniques with chest compressions, unfortunately, he did not make it and was pronounced dead on the scene.

According to attendees of the game, the victim, his girlfriend, and other friends were walking through traffic as they were leaving the game to go and celebrate the Bills’ victory over the Dolphins 21-14 when an argument began between him and his friends with an unidentified person riding a vehicle.

The person aboard the vehicle took things to the next level and got out of the car and pulled out his gun to start shooting at Isaacs’ group, hitting Dylan in the chest, people at the scene claim that they heard at least 4 gunshots fired.

A man identified as Jackson spoke to local news outlets and recalled the events “I tried to talk to [the shot man and] I was holding his hand,” Jackson said. “His girlfriend came over and told him he was strong. At that moment, he actually lifted his arm up so there was hope, and maybe like 30 seconds later, his eyes rolled up and that was it.

Buffalo Bills' Damar Hamlin in critical condition after cardiac arrest on  field | NFL | The Guardian

Dylan Isaacs‘ family has started a GoFundMe page to take his remains back to Canada where he is from so he can have a proper burial.

According to the fundraiser page, “Dylan was 30 years old and is survived by his mother Sue and younger brother Bradyn. We are hoping to help Sue with funeral arrangements, burial, and travel costs to Miami to bring her son home to Six Nations, Canada where he will laid to rest.”

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