Jordan Poyer Opens Up About His Struggle with Alcohol: ‘I Was Drunk Five Days a Week’

Jordan Poyer, a standout player for the Buffalo Bills, has openly shared his struggle with alcoholism, shedding light on the severity of his past consumption before he decided to quit drinking a few years ago.

Poyer’s journey in the NFL includes stints with the Eagles and Browns before finally finding both stability and success with the Bills.

Jordan Poyer

In a revealing profile produced by The Athletic, Poyer disclosed that at the height of his alcoholism, he would consume a six-pack of IPAs in less than 30 minutes.

For those unfamiliar with alcohol, this is a staggering physical feat given that IPAs typically have a higher alcohol content than regular or light beer.

Alcoholism, ayahuasca and the enlightenment of an NFL player - The Athletic

His drinking habits had reached a point where he would regularly experience blackout episodes. Poyer acknowledged that for five consecutive weeks, he heavily consumed alcohol on a daily basis.

The impact of his alcoholism extended to his personal life, particularly affecting his marriage to Rachel Bush.

She attempted to intervene by removing alcohol from their home, but Poyer found creative ways to continue his drinking.

Jordan Poyer from the Buffalo Bills shares on hitting rock rottom. #so... |  TikTok

“I’d find him drinking in crazy places, like under the bathroom cabinets, hidden like a child,” Bush told The Athletic.

Poyer’s turning point came when he decided to confront his alcohol addiction by attending Alcoholics Anonymous.

Since then, he has maintained sobriety, a commitment that predates the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. His newfound dedication to a sober lifestyle was evident when he declined a shot during a workout gathering early in the pandemic, demonstrating his resilience and determination to stay on a healthier path.

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The journey from battling alcoholism to achieving sobriety is a testament to Poyer’s strength in overcoming personal challenges and his story is an admirable one.

His ability to turn his life around has undoubtedly contributed to his newfound consistency on the field, and he is now going to enjoy the remaining years of his career in a good place, and he’s going to make a lot more money.

However, as with any athlete, there needs to be a concerted effort to maintain these good habits, especially with the day-to-day focus of being a football player goes away with retirement.

Poyer will hopefully have the support of the organization when that time comes, in the meantime his entire focus is on staying sober and winning a Super Bowl.

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